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1. Introduction
This document is intended to outline the Company’s Responsible Gaming policies and procedures in order to ensure that: • Players enjoy their experience with our website whilst being fully aware of the social and possible financial harms associated with problem gambling. • Under Responsible Gaming we understand multiple steps of measures, which the Company provides to lower the possibility of negative side effects appearing as a result of problem gambling. In case negative side effects have already appeared, the Company also tries to take active steps against them. • The important instrument against negative side effects from gambling are knowledge and education about the risks of gambling too support customers self-control in order to make sure they do not suffer from negative side effects. • The Company retains the integrity of responsible gambling in high regard.
2. Maintaining Control
We invite our players to notice and consider the following important points aimed to maintain control of players gambling habits and behaviour: • Gambling should be treated as a fun and not as means to generate income. While many people are able to treat gambling as recreation and spend only what they can afford to risk, for some people it can become more difficult. Gambling should be done in moderation and undertaken as a form of leisure, not as a genuine way of making money. • Avoid chasing your losses - there will always be another day. Avoid getting yourself into a cycle of chasing losses. • Only gamble when you are in a position to cover potential losses. Never borrow money so you can bet. Only bet money which you have planned to use for recreational activities. Do not bet money which is required for everyday life. • Keep track of the time you play and monitor the amount of money you spend. • Take frequent breaks while gambling. Balance gambling with other activities. • Do not gamble if you’re suffering from a lot of stress, are depressed, intoxicated or are experiencing any other similar issues. Also, do not play when you are under the influence of medications, drugs, or alcohol. • If you are no longer having fun while gambling or find yourself gambling for any reason other than for entertainment, but you continue to play, this should give rise to concern.
3. Questions to Recognize Gambling Problem
If you have concerns regarding your gaming behaviour, we recommend that you complete a self-assessment test. Kindly ask yourself the following questions: 1) Are you spending more time gambling than you have initially set out or wanted to, and do you neglect your duties and obligations in order to gamble? 2) Have other people ever criticised you for your gambling? 3) Are you often getting into fights with your partner or those close to you about how much time you spend gambling or the money which you are spending for gambling? 4) Have you bet more than you could really afford to lose? Are you noticing that you cannot restrain or set limits for yourself? 5) Have you borrowed money or sold anything to be able to gamble? 6) Are you betting money, which is needed to pay for rent, mortgage, medical fees, groceries, clothes, bills or other utilities? 7) After losing, do you feel that you have to try and win back the losses as soon as possible? 8) If you are with your family, at work or at a social event, do you often think about the next game or the next bet? 9) Do you think that gaming is a viable option to earn money? 10) Are you also gambling during work hours, even though it may cost you your job? 11) Do arguments, frustrations, disappointments or any other stressful situations make you want to gamble? 12) If you run out of money when gambling, do you feel lost and in despair and feel the need to gamble again as soon as possible? 13) Have you lost interest in family, friends or hobbies due to gambling? 14) Does gambling make you depressed? If you have answered several of the above questions with “Yes” then you should act now, before the situation develops into a major problem.
4. Self-exclusion options
If at any point in time player feels a need to take a break from gaming, we offer a variety of self-exclusion options. During self-exclusion period, player will not be able to place any deposits or participate in any games and will be excluded from all promotional offers for the set period. Being self-excluded means not being able to create a new gambling account with our website, wager or gamble on players pre-existing account and deposit funds. When player’s self-exclusion period ends, we will notify player by email and player’s account will be reactivated shortly after that. Please note that self-exclusion request differs from a standard account closure, thereby you won’t have opportunity to withdraw your balance until the account is reactivated after self-exclusion period. The company provides the following self-exclusion options: 24 hours self-exclusion 7 days self-exclusion 30 days self-exclusion 6 months self-exclusion 1-year self-exclusion Self-exclusion means, that you exclude yourself, out of your own choice, from all gambling services. We reserve the right to prolong self-exclusion period for the player, if player communicates erratically, shows signs of mental illness and exhibits excessive dependence on gaming and problem gambling. It is possible to revoke self-exclusion upon a written request by contacting our Customer Support team, however your account will be reactivated thereafter only after 1 (one) calendar day has elapsed from the submitted written request regarding revocation of self-exclusion. This cooling-off is done in order to limit any damage from making rash decisions. We reserve the right to reject reactivation of your account in case we suspect that problem gambling still exists. We will endeavor to apply your self-exclusion as soon as practically possible, however, please note that this process takes a reasonable period to implement. We will not consider the self-exclusion period as having commenced until it has been fully implemented and communicated to you.
5. Gambling Counseling Organizations
If you are looking for an institution which offers consultation or therapy, you may also visit a treatment centre. The following organizations can help you to deal with compulsive and problem gambling: • • • The treatment centres listed herein are completely independent and are in no way affiliated with our website.
6. Underage Gambling and Protection of Minors
We take all reasonable steps to prevent underage gamblers from accessing and using our services. Participation in gambling for money is prohibited for minors. Therefore, it is not permissible for anyone under the age of 18 to open an account or play on our website. In the event we find out that a minor has created an account on our website by circumventing age verification checks (including if someone have been gambling as an agent for, or otherwise on behalf, of a person under 18 years), such account will be closed with immediate effect upon this becoming known and any winnings held in that account shall be forfeited. We call on all parents and legal guardians to contribute to the protection of minors who have access to the Internet. You can discuss this topic with the minor and install an Internet filter software that blocks access to certain websites. Filtering solutions allow parents to regulate access to the Internet, based on chosen criteria. Parents can use filters to prevent their children from accessing, amongst other things, gambling websites. Please visit the websites listed below for further information and support regarding Internet filtering: • • • If you hold any gaming accounts yourself, please also make sure that your account credentials remain out of reach of your children. If at any point you feel that you need to take a break from gaming, we recommend you to avoid visiting gaming websites and apply filtering solutions for yourself as well.